With the tragic events that took place last week we want to keep everyone informed of the things that we continue to work on here at our school. Apart from continuing our monthly fire drill/lock down drills, we are focusing on our exterior areas of recess and PE. We have started to practice with students on how quickly they can move inside with their teachers, and/or classroom, this is very important since we know that in recess students are so focused on playing and not on wanting to come inside that this area is important to address. We have reached out to the local Sheriff’s Department to ensure that they are providing patrolling to our school just like they are doing with the public schools. In addition, we have invited the Manatee County School District Security Manager, Mr. Pat Bartholomew, Department for Safety and Security to come and review our code red plan and provide us feedback. Most importantly, we are increasing our staff monitoring and supervision in our indoor and exterior corridors during our entire school day. How can you help? If you are wondering how you can help and have some free time, please come and join us to help with hallway supervision. Our kids safety and well being is #1. We will continue to provide a safe and healthy environment for our students.