Happy Monday Imagine Lakewood Ranch Families,
We hope everyone is doing well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Here we are already one day away from December and what a year it has been.
As we move into December we appreciate the input, support, and communication we have had with our families. These are very different times and communication is key to maintain a healthy, positive, and growing environment. These components are so important for our students, families, and staff success and for this we thank everyone.
Important Updates and Reminders:
–BUS 400 WILL NOT be running tomorrow afternoon ONLY-After care will be offered free of charge for these families.
–December Newsletter-Please find attached our December Newsletter with important information.
3rd grade FSA Meeting, Governance Board Meeting, STAR Data, Middle School Midterms, and much more. NEW December.pdf
–Elearners returning in January-Imagine Families with children who are currently online, are you interested in your child returning to campus in January? Please let us know by next Friday, December 11. Email Ms. Quinones at selenia.quinones@imagineschools.org
–Poinsettias-Poinsettias Pick up will take place this Friday, December 4th.
–Cognia Accreditation-Our school is currently in the process of our Cognia Review for Accreditation. Cognia, which used to be known as SACS/ADvanced, re certification takes place every 5 years. With Cognia’s standards-based protocols and holistic approach to accreditation and certification, your school and your students are empowered to succeed. Cognia offers accreditation and certification, assessment, professional services, and consulting to help schools drive continuous improvement. One of the components for this review is our stakeholder’s input. Please take a couple of minutes to fill out the survey below to provide more information to our review process.
School Climate Survey (All Parents)-https://eprovesurveys.advanc-ed.org/surveys/#/action/150225/26581
School Climate Survey (Remote/Elearning Parents-ONLY)-https://eprovesurveys.advanc-ed.org/surveys/#/action/150228/26581
Have a great day.
Stay safe, healthy, and strong.
Your Imagine Lakewood Ranch Family