Good Afternoon Imagine Lakewood Ranch Families,
Here we are two months already into the new year and time continues to fly by. Tomorrow begins the month of March and there are many exciting and fun activities that will be taking place. Our scholars have worked very hard during these first two months of 2022 and we want to allow them time to have fun and celebrate with their classmates. There is still lots of learning and growth that needs to take place so boosting their energy is important.
Updates and reminders for the month of March:
Parent/Teacher Conferences are currently taking place. If you haven’t received notice from your teacher, please contact them.
March Newsletter is attached-Don’t forget to look through it. There is more calendar information in the newsletter and also FSA Assessment Schedules. March.pdf
Spring Fling-Friday, March 4th. Please see the flyer attached. Come have a good time and let’s share time together. This event will this Friday from 5:00 to 8:00. Spring fling 1.pdf
Spirit Week-March 7th-10th, Flyer is attached. click here
Uniform Sweaters, Hoodies, and so much more-We are super excited with all of the work that our PAC (Parent Action) Committee has done for our school. With their input and support, attached you will find an additional uniform company to get our School Spirit back in action with some new cool sweaters, Friday shirts, and pants. Please click on the link for you to view and purchase. We have a flyer attached and you may also visit this link.
Flyer- spirit wear
Link –
Academic Boot Camp-Our Shark Academic Boot Camp continues this week with the Focus back on Reading. K-5 begins Tuesday-March 1st and Middle School, Thursday-March 3rd. Due to Field Day events-Boot Camp for Thursday, March 10th has been cancelled.
Have a wonderful Monday.
Your Imagine Lakewood Ranch Family