Happy Friday Imagine Lakewood Ranch Families,
We hope everyone is doing well and slowly getting ready for summer as we are less than a month away. During this time, our Imagine LWR Staff will continue to be working behind the scenes to get our school and students ready for the new year.
We have lots of exciting things coming up: Graduation, Field Trips, FSA Assessments and lots of fun instructional events to finish a strong academic school year. As previously shared, we will have our first Academic Summer Camp here at Imagine LWR and we are very pleased to continue our support for our students during this time.
Please see updates and reminders below for May, Summer and August:
THE GIVING CHALLENGE-We want to thank all of our families who donated to the Giving Challenge. Our final total raised was $3,335 (before The Patterson Foundation match)
MAY NEWSLETTER – Please find our May Newsletter attached. MAY NEW.pdf
FSA ASSESSMENTS – Please see the attached scheduled. We continue assessments next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. FSA Schedule.pdf
GRADUATION-Tuesday, May 24 is Graduation Day at Riverlife Church. Times: PK-9:30, Kindergarten 11:00, 5th grade 4:00 pm, 8th grade 6:00 pm
Monday-Thursday 8:30-12:30. Drop off will be from 8:00-8:30 am and pick up between 12:30-1:00 pm. Calls will be made to all of the families who registered next week.
AUGUST IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER-Imagine LWR Open House/Meet the Teacher Night will be Thursday, August 4th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. School Begins-Wednesday, August 10th
SCHOOL SUPPLIES-School Supplies are available online on our website or at the front office. You can also purchase them online, using the link- https://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=1178808 and get them delivered at school.
UNIFORMS – We have two uniforms companies. For the new school year Spirit Shirts will be allowed on Mondays and Fridays. The rest of the week students must wear their polos.
- SPIRITWEAR-Please see flyer attached: Spiritwear Flyer.pdf
Sue Wainio-Oato
Business Number: 941-800-7900
Store: 5002 Lena Road Unit 111, Bradenton FL
We will continue to keep you updated during the summer with news and important updates.
Have a wonderful Friday.
Stay Safe, Healthy, and Strong
Your Imagine Lakewood Ranch Family