Good Afternoon Imagine Lakewood Ranch Families,
Happy Monday to our Imagine Lakewood Ranch Families. As you all know, the end of the school year is only 10 days away, so continuing on-going communication is very important.
Updates and reminders for this month and summer:
MAY NEWSLETTER – May Newsletter.pdf
STATE ASSESSMENTS FAST – Algebra I and Civics EOC Letter – Algebra I and Civics EOC Testing Letter.pdf
YEARBOOKS – Yearbooks are available for purchase at $35.00. Get your memories from our 22-23 school year. If you purchased your yearbook on line, these will be delivered this week.
GRADUATIONS – VPK, Kinder, 5th and 8th- Please find our Graduation Invitation for our Imagine Graduates attached. Invitation.png We are almost there!!!
PAYMENT REMINDERS – Please remember that all payments must be up to date for students to be able to attend Field Trips. This includes lunches and after care balances.
ACADEMIC SUMMER CAMP – Our Academic Summer Camp will be taking place for Grades K-5th. This will run from June 5th-29th. Monday through Thursday from 8:30-12:30. Drop off begins at 8:00 am.
AUGUST will be here sooner than you know!-Imagine LWR Open House/Meet the Teacher Night will be on Thursday, August 3rd from 5:00 to 7:00. School Begins-Thursday, August 10th. Imagine School at Lakewood Ranch follows the School District of Manatee School Calendar. Please find this attached. Calendar 23-24.pdf

SCHOOL SUPPLIES – School Supply lists are available online on our website or at the front office. You will also be able to purchase them online and get them delivered at the school with the 1st Day School Supplies Company. See information on the picture. Click here for all lists!
UNIFORMS – Please see below information on our school uniform companies. SpiritWear sells our Spirit Day shirts, pants, logo sweatshirts and much more. For our school polos and some additional spirit shirts, please use Uniform Solutions. Please know that Uniform Solutions will be here at school during Open House but you are also able to visit their store. School pants can be purchased at Target, Walmart, or your store of preference. The most important piece is that they are khaki, blue, or black. They can be shorts, pants, capris or skorts, but no leggings. Please find our schools uniform policy attached. Uniform.pdf
-SPIRITWEAR-Please visit:
Imagine School Spirit Wear, Bradenton, FL, Sharks | 1st Place Spiritwear
Imagine School At Lakewood Ranch , Home of the Sharks. Dozens of design and style combinations for men, women, and youth. Shop now!
Sue Wainio-Oato
Business Number: 941-800-7900
Store: 5002 Lena Road Unit 111, Bradenton FL
Bus Routes – Get a head start and do not wait until Open House. Fill out this online application for bus registration. Please remember that if your child rode the bus last year, they will roll over to the new school year but an application is still required. New bus riders, please make sure you fill out the form as this is required. Spots on the bus are not guaranteed but we will do our best to accommodate everyone. Bus routes are attached- click here for the application:
–Click here for 2023/24 Bus Routes
MORNING CARE AND AFTER CARE – Are you interested in our Morning Care and/or After Care Program? Fill out the attached form to register. A $50.00 registration payment will be required to save your spot. Payments will be required during Open House. Updates -Morning Care is $10.00 and After Care is $15.00. Please use the link attached:
7TH GRADE STUDENTS – Parents please remember that the TDap vaccination is required for the students entering the 7th grade. Get this visit scheduled for your student as soon as possible.
LUNCH PROGRAM – Make sure to APPLY for FREE AND REDUCE LUNCH, remember this needs to be done every year.
OFFICE SUMMER HOURS – Monday-Thursday, 9:00-2:00. We will be closed from July 3rd-7th.
Have a wonderful day!
Your Imagine Lakewood Ranch Family