Imagine Schools Health Office Procedures/Policy
Medical forms are located on the forms/documents page. click here
Clinic Guidelines
- The nurse takes great care to see to your child’s needs and to determine the severity of the illness or injury that occurs during the school day. It is not the intent of the clinic to diagnose illness and the clinic should not be used in place of your child’s healthcare provider. Should the student need to be sent home due to illness or injury, you will be contacted from a number you noted on students health form.
- All medications that will be administered in the clinic, require a completed medication authorization form. This includes all over the counter medications as well as prescribed medication. Parents can pick up these forms in the clinic or the forms form this site. The form must be completed by your physician and signed by parent as well. Only an adult may transport medications to school.
- Sore Throats are a very common complaint. If reddened or sinus drainage is observed, fluids may be encouraged and a note may be sent home. If blisters or swollen tonsils are observed, a parent will be contacted.
- Stomach Aches, This is a very common complaint, and often exaggerated, and difficult to medically evaluate. If the student has been in the clinic x 20 minutes without fever, vomiting or diarrhea, they may return to class. Upon initial complaint to the teacher the student should be given the opportunity to use the restroom or eat a snack. If a child has a medical condition that causes frequent stomach problems, it should be reported to the school nurse or principal so that a plan of care can be written and special arrangements can be made.
- Dry chapped lips are not a medical necessity and do not need to be seen in the clinic unless sores or bleeding are evident, then they will be allowed only 1 trip to the clinic for Vaseline. Parents are encouraged to provide Chap Stick.
- Splinters will only be removed if visible and easily accessible with tweezers. They will not be “dug” out. A Band-Aid may be given and a note sent home to the parents alerting them of the splinter.
- If Pink Eye is suspected, child must be sent home and referred to doctor for evaluation & treatment. If it is diagnosed as pink eye, they may return to school after 24 hrs of treatment with appropriate medical eye drops and a note from the Dr. indicating such.
- Students with draining wounds that cannot be covered with appropriate bandages will not be allowed at school.
- Head Lice: if lice are visible, students will be sent home. They may be excused one day from school for treatment. Upon return to school a parent/guardian must accompany child to clinic and have the nurse check head for lice. If no lice are found, child may stay at school. If lice are still present, they will be sent back home. Presence of nits will be evaluated for 10 days following treatment of lice. The student may be sent home at the discretion of the nurse based on the progress of nit reduction.
- Fever of 100 and greater, the student will be sent home. They may return the next day if no fever. They should be fever free for 24hrs without the use of a fever-reducing medication.
- All head traumas will be reported to the parent/guardian immediately. Student will be sent home if needed.
- Ringworm: Students will be sent home if ringworm is present and not covered. The student may return to school after appropriate medical treatment is started.
- Chicken Pox: All students with open/draining lesions will be excluded from school. They may not return until ALL are crusted and healing.
- Scabies: If scabies are suspected, your child may be sent home and referred to a medical professional for diagnosis. They may not return to school until treated and released by doctor.
- Headaches: This is also a very frequent complaint and hard to evaluate/diagnose. Parents, please talk with your school nurse if there is a history or medical problem so that special adjustments can be made. Otherwise if no other symptom they will be allowed to rest for 15 minutes then sent back to class.
- Ear aches can be a common complaint, especially among elementary age. The school nurse can check for inflammation and drainage, but cannot diagnose an ear infection. The child may be referred to a physician for further evaluation. Most children with earaches without temperature can stay at school.
Any questions please call the clinic at 750-0900 ext. 110
Tiffany Barnett, LPN, Clinic Nurse at Imagine Lakewood Ranch
Diane Van Ryn, RN, School Nurse at Imagine Lakewood Ranch
Medication Guidelines
NOTE: (Medication refers to only those products which have been approved by the FDA for use as a drug.) Whenever possible, medication schedules should be arranged so all medication is given at home. Also, the first dose of any medication taken for the first time will not be administered at school.
- Only prescription medication will be administered at school. Over-the-counter or sample medications must be unopened and accompanied by orders from the physician. (Physician’s orders must be dated and include unaltered label information listed below (see #4), as well as signature of Florida Physician (or ARNP or Physician’s Assistant working under the Physician’s license), Dentist, Chiropractor, or Doctor of Osteopathy, AND office address stamp.
- Physician and parent/legal guardian portions of the MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM must be completed entirely, signed, and presented to school before medication can be accepted/administered. Medication must be delivered, by parent/legal guardian, to school in the container in which it was purchased (dispensed). At this time the medication must be counted with school personnel. Additional parent authorization would be needed for any medications to be given on field trips outside regular school hours.
- A separate supply of medication must be kept at school. Medication will not be transported between home and school on a daily or weekly basis. Please ask your pharmacist for a second container with a prescription label. (NOTE: School personnel may not cut tablets. Family may request this from pharmacist.) After the initial delivery by parent/guardian, the medication supply may be delivered by any adult (18 yrs or older) who the parent designates.
- The label must be dated within 1 yr. and indicate the student’s name, name of medication/dosage, physician’s name, amount to be given, and time (frequency). This includes medications given on an “as needed” basis. Label must state the need, i.e.; 2 puffs every 4 hrs, as needed for cough, wheeze, or shortness of breath. “As needed” or “as directed” are not acceptable. NOTE: Parents who provide for meds to be given on an “as needed” basis and child has taken same medication before school must inform office of time med. was given IF too soon for next dose.
- If the medication requires equipment for administration (i.e.; cup, spoon, dropper), the parent is responsible for supplying the articles, labeled with the student’s name.
- Parent/legal guardian is responsible to keep school personnel supplied with adequate doses of (unexpired) medication.
- NOTE- EARLY RELEASE days; Medications will not be administered after dismissal.
- New MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM will be requested each school year or with any change in medication.
- When medication is discontinued or at the end of the school year, medication not taken home by the parent, by dismissal on the last student day, will be destroyed.
- Self-medication- Emergency medications (Epinephrine Auto-Injector and Asthma Inhaler), and medications (pancreatic enzymes) may be carried on the student’s person when accompanied with a copy of the MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM and CONTRACT TO CARRY AND SELF-ADMINISTER FORM with parent and physician authorizing student to self-medicate and carry medication on their person.
- Diabetes- Students may self-administer Insulin via Pump or Pen, while at school or school sponsored activities and may carry diabetic supplies and equipment on their person when accompanied with Authorization for Student to Carry Prescription Diabetic Medication and Supplies and a copy of completed DIABETIC MEDICAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMMP), with parent and physician authorization to do so. Authorization must describe the activities the child is capable of performing without assistance, such as blood-glucose level checks, urine ketone testing, administering insulin through the insulin-delivery system and treating hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Request a copy of these two forms, to be completed and signed by physician and parent/legal guardian. Return form to school.